Tree Fungus Treatment

Fungus! It takes time …

A fungus begins developing in your tree long before you see any symptoms. Treatments are most effective right as the spores begin to attach themselves to the young expanding leaves. If you have seen discolored spots on your leaves in previous years, that is a good indication that you need treatment.

Help Us Help You with Tree Fungus Treatment

When water is present it creates an ideal climate for fungal growth. Here are a few easy tips that you can do to help limit the spreading of fungi.

  1. Keep your sprinklers adjusted so they do not come in contact with the leaves of your trees.
  2. Don’t use infected leaves for composting. After the leaves drop from the tree, the fungus will lie dormant and overwinter. In the spring the spores become airborne and infect your trees.

Not sure you have activity? No problem, we can help! Our trained Arborists can help identify the problem and recommend a treatment program that will suit your tree’s needs.

Fungi image1Oak Leaf Blister causes raised or sunken lesions that look like blisters on the leaves. Later in the season the blisters turn brown and the leaves fall off. Early frost damage, drought and cell damage is often mistaken for Oak leaf blister. For best results, treatments are completed in the spring as the spores first become active.


Aspen Black Leaf Spotfungi image2 is promoted by wet conditions and must be treated in the spring when it is first active.  The effects of this fungus are not seen until July or August. Leaves begin to get black spots that are encircled with a yellow ring; the leaves eventually turn completely black and fall off.

fungi image3Sycamore Anthracnose is treated in the spring after leaves begin emerging. Cool wet weather can amplify the symptoms of this disease. Look for cupped leaves, brown or dying leaves associated with a white powder. Twigs growing together in tight clusters forming a witches broom are also signs of this disease.

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