Don’t be embarrassed if your holiday lighting is still up! In some instances, like with white twinkling lights, it’s perfectly OK (socially speaking) to keep these ambient lights up year-round. Just make sure they were properly strung in the first place.
If professionals didn’t install them, they might be strung improperly across some plants and trees, potentially damaging them and even posing a fire risk. If you want permanent lights, only use lights designed for year-round outdoor use, and never string them across foliage.
However, if what you have up are true seasonal lights, consider it your first spring cleaning task to remove them. Unplug them all and carefully examine them (when and where it’s safe to do so) for any tangles or obvious damage.
If your lights are strung from the rooftop, high branches or any other place where you don’t feel comfortable taking them down, call a tree care company to take care of the job for you.
Red Flags Amid Red and Green Lights
Many times, homeowners get away with stringing their lights unsafely. Damage can result from using indoor lights (a dangerous route), or lights with voltage that is way too high to be near those dry rose bushes (even more dangerous).
Count your lucky stars, and pledge to only use proper lighting that’s adequately strung next year. If you notice any burn marks on the house or foliage, dilapidated strings, exposed wires or cracked bulbs, know that it was solely happenstance that a disaster didn’t occur.
When bundling up lights for next year, take the time to check their function and safety now. If you plan to re-string lights every year (yourself), spring is a great time to install permanent hooks or posts to make the job easier in the future. It’s better than routinely stapling your house trim and your poor trees.
Plan Around Tree Growth
In some cities, public trees are permanently lit up year-round. It looks pretty, but it hinders tree growth and can cause bald patches and even slow limb growth. If you really want permanently lit trees, only light up mature ones. Make sure the strings are the right voltage and that the trees are well watered. You don’t want a tree lit in the middle of a drought!
The best trees for lighting are evergreens, which don’t undergo massive transformations throughout the seasons. Avoid lighting fruit trees, immature trees, or any trees with branches that can’t bear any extra weight.
For best results, depend on an arborist who specializes in setting up holiday lights and who knows the right products and techniques to get the results you want safely.
Even better, only light up your home and yard once or twice per year, and always take them down right after the holiday. Your foliage (and neighbors!) will thank you.
If you need help taking down your holiday lights, call Reliable Tree Care for fast, friendly service.