Telltale Signs It’s Time to Prune Your Trees, Part 1

You may think that pruning your trees on your property is only for visual reasons, but you’d be incorrect here. While it’s true that pruning trees is vital for things like curb appeal and home value, it’s also very important for tree health, property protection and saving you on various landscaping costs.

At Reliable Tree Care, we’re here to help with all tree pruning needs as part of our tree trimming services. We can also help you determine when your trees are giving you clear signs that they need to be pruned – there are so many, in fact, that we’ll use this multi-part blog series to go over all of them. Let’s get started.

signs time prune trees

Broken or Damaged Branches

The primary reason for pruning in many situations is tree branches that have become broken or limp. If the damage also exposes the inside of the tree, it’s an even clearer sign that some pruning is needed.

This kind of damage can be caused by a number of different elements, from weather hazards to human and machine ones as well. Heavy snow is a common source of branch damage in Utah, for instance – you should check your trees after major storms, and you may even consider sweeping large snow quantities from branches on more fragile trees.


Over time, tress that aren’t properly cared for may experience branches that begin to cross each other. This may not be a problem in some scenarios, but in those where the branches touch and rub against each other, the bark can be damaged and the interior of the tree can be exposed – leading to branch decay, which can then spread to the entire tree if it’s not pruned properly.

Density Concerns

Another clear and obvious sign that your tree needs some pruning? The density of the greenery present on it. If you notice that your tree has become so thick with leaves and other greens that you can’t see through it at all, chances are it’s time for a trim. This can become a hazard due to branches catching the wind and causing damage, and due to branches that may contact each other and shed skin.


Deadwood refers to pieces of the tree that are no longer living, and they imply that other sections of the tree may be undergoing the same issues. If you don’t prune these dead branches, the decay found on them will spread to other parts of the tree, which will eventually have to be removed.


Another telltale sign of a tree that’s sick or may be dying is cracks found on the bark, especially if you find two or more at once. These are generally caused by rot, which can spread and, again, force full removal of the tree if you aren’t careful.

For more on some signs that it’s time to prune your trees, or to learn about any of our tree trimming or removal services, speak to the pros at Reliable Tree Care today.