September is busy for arborists, as shrub and tree services get prioritized in winter prepping.
Depending on where you live, necessary tree services and garden prep will vary, but in Utah, you can count on watering shrubs and trees less so they can harden before the first big freeze. If you planted annuals, it’s time to remove them and turn them into compost.
Unfortunately, the battle against slugs and weeds continues this month, so stay vigilant.
Autumn is one of the most enjoyable seasons for gardeners because it’s the season of shopping for trees, shrubs and other plants! Getting larger plants into the ground in September ensures solid root development and lets them settle before spring arrives.
If it’s a warm September, water newly planted trees and shrubs all the way up until the first frost.
When Less Is More for Tree Services
In addition to watering less, you’ll also want to stop fertilizing any flowering shrubs and trees in September. Again, this is to allow for hardening before the cold months.
For a lot of gardeners, it can be tough to back off after being so dutiful the past few months, but enjoy it. Shopping for next spring’s newcomers is a great transition. Plus, you’ll also want to start planting perennial bulbs and seeds in September, but make sure the daily temperature is under 60 degrees first.
You can scatter wildflower seeds as you like, in beds or rows, so they’ll be ready to transplant come spring. Some great perennials to add to your yard include tulips, dwarf irises, crocuses, winter pansies, cabbage and ornamental kale. With autumn-blooming chrysanthemums and hyacinths in the mix, you’re guaranteed a gorgeous and colorful landscape.
How Does Your Garden Grow?
A lot of gardeners produce too many fruits and veggies, especially when it comes to tomatoes and squash, so pick and share them this month. If you really have a handful, check with area food banks. You also can freeze, store, can or dry some fruits and veggies.
Some fruit trees, like plum trees, need pruning after harvest to make sure they have a full bounty next spring.
Remove the bulbs of produce like onions, and keep them in a dry, sunny, warm area for two weeks. After this resting period, they can be transferred to a dark, dry, cool place.
Once the autumn rains come, fertilize your lawn via a slow-release, 3-1-2-ratio fertilizer. Prime time for sodding and seeding new lawns is also here, and if thatching is required, act fast! You’ll want to fill bare spots and push out weeds and moss with fresh seeding.
Contact Reliable Tree Care for tree and shrub care, as well as for a host of tree services to get your autumn checklist completed.