Planting Trees for Energy Efficiency in Utah

Did you know that planting trees can save you money on your power bill and help the environment?

Planting Trees for Energy Efficiency

You probably already knew about the second part, but when trees are selected and sited correctly, you can reduce electricity use in both summer and winter.

Planting Trees for Summer Shade

To maximize summer shade and minimize power use, consider how your home is oriented.

Typically, you want to shade the east and west windows most, and the south face of the home if possible. Choose deciduous shade trees for this purpose, and once they grow to a sufficient height, you can prune the bottom branches away to preserve your views.

Concrete and asphalt surfaces raise the ambient temperature around the home. You can offset this by planting trees that will shade your driveway and patio.

Finally, don’t forget to add a tree to shade your air conditioning unit. If it’s a roof-mounted unit, this may be difficult, but usually not impossible. This will help the unit run more efficiently, keeping your home more comfortable and using less power.

Planting Trees for Winter Warmth

Your deciduous trees will lose their leaves in the fall, letting the warm sunshine through on those cold winter days.

Keep it even warmer by adding evergreens on the north and west sides of your property. This will provide an effective windbreak while allowing the winter’s southern sun to provide maximum passive solar energy to your home.

The ideal location for your conifers is not more than about two tree heights’ distance from the house. In other words, if the trees will reach 20 feet in height, place then no farther than 40 feet from your home.

This will provide the best level of windbreak, but it will also ensure your safety if one comes down in a storm.

Planting Trees to Meet Your Needs

Before choosing your trees and their locations, consult with a certified arborist.

Trees represent an investment in your home and in the environment, and you want them to thrive. A Utah arborist can advise you on the right species for your needs and provide guidance on their optimal placement.

Finally, an arborist can explain how to care for your new plants, including when to prune, when to fertilize and how to water them correctly.

At Reliable Tree Care, we offer annual programs for fertilization, disease and insect control, and tree pruning. Our programs are designed specifically for our region of northern Utah, to provide all the nutrients and care necessary to keep your investment healthy and green.

Contact us today to learn more about our services or to request assistance with planning and planting trees.