Which tree and shrub fertilization methods are best?
Whichever ones work best!
It depends on the soil, the types of trees and shrubs, your climate and what type of weather your region has been having. However, you can skip the trial and error by consulting a tree expert. These professionals know the best tree and shrub fertilization types for your plants.
Still, it’s interesting to consider what some people tout as secret, “miracle” tree and shrub fertilization tricks.
Tree and Shrub Fertilization Tips from Your Friend’s Grandma’s Cousin’s Nephew
Just like urban legends, it’s impossible to tell how some tree and shrub fertilization hacks got started. For example, some people say the contents of your vacuum cleaner bag is great for plants and soil. Your vacuum sucks up everything, including dust and hair, which might be loaded with nutrients.
However, you don’t really know what’s hiding in your carpets, so it’s best to put that dust in the bin where it belongs.
Using Tums is another DIY fertilizer some people swear by. Technically, it’s not a fertilizer, but of course these chalky supplements are full of calcium.
Some gardeners like to mix them in water, then sprinkle the solution on plants. It may or may not work, but it’s clear that Tums are expensive when compared to other calcium supplements made for plants. However, if you have an excess of Tums you won’t be using, ask your tree service provider and you might find a use for them after all.
Fertile Ground
Not just any molasses will do, but if you have blackstrap molasses, you might hear someone recommend you add it to the soil. It’s rich in nutrients like potash, manganese, copper and sulfur, and it’s also beneficial to good bacteria.
Some gardeners mix it with store-bought fertilizer, alfalfa meal and even Epsom salt. However, if you have a quality fertilizer that’s been recommended by a pro, you shouldn’t need to supplement the soil further.
Eggshells aren’t necessarily a secret soil helper, but they’re often added incorrectly to compost.
You can’t add freshly cracked shells to the soil, because egg whites and yolks can be counterproductive to fertilizing efforts. Always dry and crush shells first, otherwise the plants won’t be able to access the calcium.
If you really want to make zero impact on the earth when cooking your omelets, eggshells are usually safe to add to soil too.
The Real Way to Fantastic Soil
Just about anything from pet and human hair to powdered milk has been hailed as the ultimate tool to achieve fantastic greenery. However, none of these tricks has the kind of research and studies behind it like quality packaged fertilizer. You can choose from organic or inorganic options, and your tree services specialist will guide you.
Find out which tree and shrub fertilization approach is best for your soil by contacting Reliable Tree Care today.