When it comes to care for virtually every tree type out there, pruning is a vital consideration. Important for everything from tree health to appearance and more, tree pruning helps your trees with density issues, broken or damaged branches, and other areas where removal will help the tree grow properly and live longer.
At Reliable Tree Care, we’re proud to offer a wide range of branch structure pruning and other tree trimming services at your fingertips. While this is a common and necessary process, it’s one that comes with a few pitfalls to avoid – the kind that professional arborists help you steer far clear of. Let’s go over a few such areas within the world of tree pruning, detailing some areas to stay away from when it comes to trimming.
New Trees
There are slightly different requirements when it comes to pruning for new trees that have just been planted. Within the first year or so, for most species, pruning will not be needed during this period of time.
There are slightly different requirements when it comes to pruning for new trees that have just been planted. Within the first year or so, for most species, pruning will not be needed during this period of time.
Safety and Professionals
Generally speaking, safety should be the top priority when it comes to pruning trees. There are numerous areas where this is the case, from general branch and ladder safety to areas like electrical utility conductors or other nearby hazards that may be close to trees.
For this reason, we highly discourage any self-pruning efforts that risk personal safety in any way. If you aren’t a fully trained arborist, even if you’ve done plenty of work on trees in the past, there are several areas of pruning that simply should be left to our professionals every time. We’re happy to advise you on each of these areas as part of our services.
Branch Stubs Vs. Core Damage
During pruning, a top priority of your arborist will be to avoid branch stubs during the process. Branches that are trimmed or pruned need to be removed completely, with a careful eye to the proper location.
Why so careful? Well, because the flip side here is cutting too deeply, causing damage to the core of the tree. Many without experience with a specific tree species will cut in the wrong places, risking major damage that may not always be reversible.
Other Tips
A couple other general areas to remember when trees are being pruned:
- Climbing spikes: Whether pruning or performing any other task, never use climbing spikes, as these can damage the tree.
- Wound paint: While this is a product that’s often talked up as a temporary solution to tree issues, it can often cause more harm to the tree than it provides care.
For more on avoiding errors made when pruning trees, or to learn about any of our tree trimming, tree removal or other arborist services, speak to the staff at Reliable Tree Care today.