Right Time for Tree Removal, Part 2

In part one of this two-part blog, we went over several of the broader tree diseases and conditions that may require an eventual tree removal on your property. There are several such conditions, and determining their severity and how they impact your species specifically is the name of the game when understanding whether the tree can be treated or whether tree removal might be necessary.

At Reliable Tree Care, our arborists are proud to assist numerous clients in this area, from assessing issues and providing disease control services where possible to taking care of tree removal when it’s required, plus everything in between. In today’s blog, we’ll look at a few issues of placement or physical issues that may lead to removal needs, plus how you can assess the concerns and make the right choice.

determining right time tree removal

Ground Roots

If you have begun to notice roots from a given tree that are growing along the top of the soil, this is generally a sign that the root system is struggling to find purchase within the soil. There could be a few reasons for this, including soil makeup concerns.

Regardless of the reason behind it, trees in this position are at risk of physical damage from humans, animals and other surface elements. When exposed to winter weather, roots may undergo significant strain. In certain cases, enough roots in this form will signal that the tree simply cannot build an adequate root system and must be removed.

Sewers and Septic Tanks

One of the single most significant and expensive plumbing issues that can happen to homeowners relates to trees: The invasion of tree roots into main sewer lines or septic runoff areas. Tree roots are always on a natural search for water and nutrients, which may lead them to these plumbing areas in some circumstances – leading to massive repair needs and often tree removal concerns. Ensuring trees have both proper water and appropriate distance from main water lines is important for their long-term health.

Roof Concerns

If trees have grown to the point where their branches overhang a roof or other areas of the home, there could be risks present for both the tree and the structure. Roof shingles and moisture protection areas could be at risk of physical damage, especially during high winds or storms, as could siding or other structural areas.

In addition, branches that are in contact with the home will be tough to trim and prune. This can compromise the health of the tree, allowing it to grow out of control and create even further hazards in a damaging cycle.

Power Lines

Down similar lines, it’s vital to trim and otherwise prune tree branches that are anywhere close to power lines. Branches that are even in the vicinity may become entwined during wind or storms, leading to major electrocution risks or other hazards. Such trees will need to be removed for the safety of nearby building occupants in many cases.

For more on signs it might be time to remove trees, or to learn about any of our tree disease care or pruning services, speak to the staff at Reliable Tree Care today.