Tree Pathogen & Tree Bacteria Treatment

Quick, sanitize!

Bacteria are found everywhere; soil, water, the dirty stair railing outside… and yes your trees.

Bacteria must come from a host in order for it to be introduced to your trees. *However bacteria is moved by wind, water, birds and bees! This means that a source of infection can be miles away and still affect your tree. Infection enters primarily through blossoms in the spring. Once the bacterium is within the vascular system, it moves throughout the tree killing the branches, leaves and over time the entire tree.

Contact the Experts for Tree Bacteria Treatment

Do I have it!? Spotting dieback in your tree can be easy with a few simple tips. Trees will often send out little caution flags warning you that something is not quite right. The first thing to watch for is discolored leaves. Next, you will notice unusual shedding of leaves and thinning of branches. What can be done? We can help manage the infected areas with foliar applications of bactericide. Infected tissue will also need to be removed using a sterilized blade, remember to spray down the pruning tools with a generous application of Lysol after every cut!

Bacteria image1Fire Blight is a bacterial disease that will cause the leaves and twigs of your tree to appear wilted and burned (like its name). Fire Blight spreads easily through contact, wind and water.  Trees most likely to be affected are pears, apples and Hawthorns. Actual fruit bearing trees and flowering varieties of the same tree types are equally susceptible to Fire Blight. Treatments are done when the tree is in bloom. Not all trees bloom at the same time, so timing will vary according to species and location.

Slime Flux  is also known as Bacterial Bacteria image2Wet wood. It causes a white/gray foamy substance to ooze from your tree. Often the infected area will have a strong sulfur odor. This is due to the high acidic liquid that is breaking down the bark and wood of the tree. It will also kill nearby plants like grass or flowers if it is allowed to drip onto them. Long term infections lead to branch dieback and decay. The best way to treat for slime flux is an aggressive fertilization program.  This often takes several years for the trees to make a recovery.

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